Saturday, July 28, 2012


Rock bottom. It's where I was. It's where I've been most of my life. It's that point in time where you really have no idea what you are living for. It wasn't until recently that I decided to pick myself up out of the dirt, and start all over again. I'm young, I guess I get to do those things.

I left my husband. It was a major decision, one that drastically impacted my life, and even my self awareness. It's not that he was a bad person, we just couldn't get along. It's not like I didn't try. Some things just are not meant to be. So here I am, a year later, and my life is finally looking up. I couldn't have done it without my friends and family, for which I am eternally greatful.

I'm not sure what everyone thinks of fate. In my opinion, in the end, everyone has a role to play. Is that role predetermined? I think so. Is every choice made for you? No. I don't think so. As long as you get to where your meant to be in the end, that's all that matters.

There was this boy once, a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. He was my best friend, one of my only true friends. I had a crush on this boy for the longest time. Holy Hera! How many years of subtle flirting has to go on before someone gets a clue? Boys are so clueless sometimes. I had to resort to some back hand cheating before he finally figured it out. I ended up telling his younger sister, who even though I told her not to tell, (I knew she would) told her brother, and he asked me out. Due to some unforseeable events, our love was ripped asunder, and we ended up going our seperate ways.

Many moons later, including two children, an impending divorce and a recent heartbreak...I was truly at rock bottom. I decided my life couldn't get much worse, and there was no where to go but up. I was practically homeless, and going through a nasty custody battle. So, I decided to contact the Boy's sister, and beg her for his phone number.

Fast forward six months. Here I sit, on my laptop, happier than I have ever been. I thank Fate every day that I have been brought back to my soul Mate. When one door closes, a new one will surely open.

The universe has one goal. To keep everything in balance. If my father hadn't of died when I was three years old, my mother never would have met (her now ex) boyfriend. We wouldn't have moved to a school district an hour away. I would never have met my soul mate. If my Aunt's husband hadn't been dying of cancer, We wouldn't have moved away for six months. I came back, and went to college. This is where I got with my now soon to be ex husband, and had two beautiful children. Full circle, back to present. I am back with my Mate, and everything is right with my world.

See? Everything has its purpose. When something bad knocks you down, get back up. There is always something good waiting right around the corner, no matter how far away that looks. If youve made it this far into my ramble, thank you.

Blessed be.

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