Thursday, February 7, 2013


Its not everyday that you are as completely astonished as you are today. Things have been going so well for me, this past year, and things just keep getting better. I cannot believe the turn my life has taken. Last year I was in such a rut, mentally, physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. I had no idea of my place in the world.

Six months ago, I wrote the very first post on this blog. Until now, its one and only. The changes between that post and this one, are astounding. Recently, I got back in touch with my spiritual side. I have been a "Pagan" since I was about thirteen when a neighborhood friend taught me about Wicca, despite my Jehovah's witness upbringing. A year ago, I would have said that I had no faith, but this year has been a huge blessing. I have a wonderful man in my life, I have two beautiful children, my apartment isn't half bad, and I'm starting a new career.

Like anything, I have started off with baby steps. I added myself back to all of my pagan related groups on facebook. I rejoined my original coven! I even started researching Druidry again, and look forward to practicing with the local Protogrove. Today, I recreated my Altar, and I am quite pleased!

I thought to myself, "I should really start blogging." I am an avid talker, and I usually have so many things rattling around in my brain, that just want to burst forth...So I decide to set up an new blog, when lo and behold blogger says my email address is being used. I thought, "well that is funny." I was just amazed, reading what I wrote six months ago, and really realizing that I am blessed. I am thankful for all the things the Gods have given me, and I think it funny that this realization comes on the same day that I rededicate my Altar.

I look forward to the year to come.

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