Sunday, April 6, 2014

Oh dear...It's been a YEAR!

Its been a year since my last post, and boy can I tell you how much my life has changed. A LOT! As it turns out, a miracle happened. And here is that little beauty...

Her name is Rowan, and at present she is about a month and a half old. I cannot express the amount of happiness that she has brought my family. My two older children are ecstatic. My daughter is constantly remarking on how she "is a great big sister!." I would have to agree. My older daughter has been a very helpful little girl, and is always there when I yell, "Rebekah! I need a diaper!" :) She is always happy to oblige.
Here are my three gorgeous beasts. Rebekah, Remy, and Rowan. Don't ask about the obsession with the "R" names. Honestly, I don't know how it happened. I named my daughter Rebekah because it is Hebrew, and I am exactly half French Jew. My son was called Remy because of my love for Gambit, one of the Xmen. :) He just also happens to be French! My latest (and sadly last) little ball of sunshine was named Rowan because the other half of me is Irish. :)
As my children are all part of me, I felt it necessary to impart a little bit of my heritage into them. My spiritual path emphasizes ancestor veneration, and by giving my children the names that they have I feel I am doing exactly that.
Hail to my ancestors for giving me strength...mentally, physically and spiritually!
Hail to the nature spirits for allowing me to take part in the creation of something wonderful!
Hail to the shining ones for giving me the patience to fully realize my dreams!

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